Saturday, 14 December 2013

Dave Richmond in Bass Guitar Magazine

Nearly missed this one! The short feature I wrote on Dave Richmond earlier this year is in the December issue of Bass Guitar Magazine, alongside the usual mix of news, reviews, features, and other brilliant bassy stuff.

The January issue is about to drop so get down to your newsagent fast to snap this one up before it's gone.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The Moving Pictures of Dorian Gray

In conjunction with the BFI's Gothic Season, my friends at Media Magazine have published a supplement to December's issue, focusing on 'The Dark Heart of Film'. Included is my article on the cinematic adaptations of The Picture of Dorian Gray.

The supplement is FREE to download from the Media Magazine website. Like the magazine, it's aimed primarily at 6th-form media students, but is nonetheless a cracking read for anyone into gothic-tinged cinema.